Ashes to Ashes – What next for the Tree of Life?

“Yggdrasil, the World Tree, grew on an island surrounded by the ocean, in the depths of which the World Serpent lay. This ash tree’s trunk reached up to the heavens, and its boughs spread out over all the countries of the Earth. Its roots reached down into the Underworld. A squirrel ran up and down the tree carrying messages from the serpent gnawing at the roots to the eagle in the canopy, and back. A deer fed on the ashRead more

Did You Know Dormice Snore?

Did you know Hazel Dormice snore? No, I didn’t either until last week when I looked down on an amber ball of fur, pink feet neatly curled, eyes firmly shut and black tail end gripped like a miniature feather duster. The noise was the exact sort of high-pitched sigh you’d imagine from these little snoozers. I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a snort of glee. I needn’t have bothered as there was no waking him. The licensedRead more